Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The New Exodus Out of American Cities

Driven by high costs, low services...

Back to the suburbs and other areas with lower costs of living.

Am I the only one in my spinning class at Equinox in Manhattan who's fed up paying $200 every month for a gym with clean showers, $3,000 in rent every month for an apartment without cockroaches and $8 every morning for a cup of coffee, Kristin Tate asks on thehill.com.

Am I the only one moving through the greater part of New York City boroughs and seeing and inexorable march of urban decay matched with the discomfort of crowding and inexplicable costs, she adds.

I know I am not, she writes.

What's happening in the Big Apple is a microcosm of what's happening in the nation's blue states, cities and towns, Tate noted.

New York, Los Angeles, Chicago -- the places where power and capital have traditionally congregated -- have become so over-regulated, so over priced and mismanaged, and so morally bankrupt and soft on crime that people are leaving in droves, she wrote.

For more: http://thehill.com/opinion/finance/384536-the-great-exodus-out-of-americas-blue-cities?amp

Photo: Giphy.
Next time on The Allen Report:
Join the Most Interesting Man in the World for a Beer.

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