Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Never Throw Away Your Boarding Pass

Hacker alert...

Your boarding contains a wealth of information about you.

When we fly it's mandatory to have a boarding pass to get on the plane, luxuryandglamor.com reports.

Before boarding we hold onto boarding passes as if our lives depend on them. But after we board, many, if not all of us, no longer care about the pass.. Sometimes we leave it on the plane, other times we toss it in the hotel room waste basket, or we just chuck it. But this kind of careless can get you into so much trouble.

According to “Krebs on Security” there is personal information encrypted on your boarding pass. If you took a screen shot of the bar code on the ticket, you would be amazed at how much personal information it contains: your home address, banking info, email address, phone number.

Do yourself a favor and thwart hackers by taking some of the boarding pass precautions recommended in this eye-opening video:  http://www.luxuryandglamor.com/why-you-should-never-throw-your-boarding-pass-away-not-even-after-your-flight-the-reason-i-had-no-idea/

Photos: Giphy, Pinterest.

Tomorrow on The Allen Report: Apple Unveils New "Spaceship" Headquarters.

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