Tuesday, June 16, 2015

200 Years After Waterloo: Napoleon Still Wins by Losing

Vive la France...

Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte, also known as Frank Samson, a pudgy Paris lawyer who likes wearing gold braided uniforms and a black bicorne hat, won his last battle on Sunday in southern Belgium, Andrew Higgins reports on nytimes.com.

Feting the “glorious performance” of French troops in a field of thigh-high wheat, rented for the day from a farmer for a mock showdown between the armies of France and Prussia, he predicted that whatever the outcome of a forthcoming confrontation with the Duke of Wellington at Waterloo this week, he had already won the war, Higgins wrote.

“In terms of glory and of history, it is Napoleon who stays in people’s minds, not Wellington,” said Mr. Samson, relishing cries of “Long Live the Emperor” as he dismounted from his white horse after a restaging of Napoleon’s triumphant last day in the sun on June 16, 1815, according to Higgins.

For more on this momentus anniversary:  http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/17/world/europe/200-years-after-waterloo-napoleon-still-wins-by-losing.html?smid=nytnow-share&smprod=nytnow

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